Thursday, 30 May 2024

Ready To Quest

Brave Heroes!

Like Morcar, HeroQuest Revised Edition is back.

The company that hosted our site for many years closed down, and we've had to rebuild the entire site here. Hopefully this all works. There's a few other bits we may add later.

Over the next little while, we're going to update the links on the print files to match our new home. 

We've also a LOT of errata to get out. We suggest waiting until you spend a lot lot of resources getting things printed. It should all be usable with a little forethought though. 

We still have two Quest Books and one mini-expansion to release. Real life has not been kind these last few years, and so we beg your patience in getting these to you. You should have plenty to play with in the meantime though!

Site reborn

 The original HQR site was established in 2006.

It collapsed in 2019 and was rebuilt in 2020.

In late 2023, the hosting site died permanently.

I'm rebuilding it here. Your patience is appreciated.

Thank you to all the fans and contributors who've supported this project down the years.

The adventure WILL continue.

 - Slev.

Fire of Wrath!

Today we've added to the site the fist of several sets of development notes, explaining the origins and progression of the new Spell Sys...